What Dandelions Can Teach Us About Life

How a common weed can teach us about tenacity

Colin Schwager, MBA
2 min readApr 29, 2022


Derived from the Greek word's “disorder” and “remedy”, these common yellow flowers can be found pretty much anywhere around the globe. They can also teach us a lot about life.

Now, I know what you’re wondering, what flowers can teach you about being a better human? Flowers aren’t normally seen as anything more than a weed. While often seen as a nuisance or as a fun pastime for children, we can learn a lot about strength and tenacity through them.


Well, for one, these common yellow flowers come back year after year, on time, rain, or shine. No matter what is happening in the world, no matter what political plot is in play, no matter the economic status, these flowers grow in the spring.

Secondly, dandelions can and will grow anywhere. If there is even just an inkling of the right ingredients; dirt, water, and sun, the flower will grow. They don’t require any particular care and with just the essentials, they will sprout and thrive.

For instance, dandelions can be seen growing in places where no other plant dares to tread, such as the cracks of a sidewalk or the sidewall of a storm drain that just barely faces the sun.

Dandelion growing in a sidewalk crack.

In the case of the wall-crawling flower, it has just barely a speck of dirt and just enough sunlight and water to survive, yet it thrives. These “weeds” show much tenacity.

How many can say that they have this level of tenacity, that even in the face of adversity, they thrive?

So, the mighty and common dandelion can teach humanity that even with just the very minimum to survive, it is possible to thrive even still with the right mindset. In adversity, the flower looks to the sun and uses what it has to reach for it.



Colin Schwager, MBA

Hi, I’m Colin and I am a copywriting and marketing expert. Author of “It’s Okay” and soon to be announced “30 Days In The Wilderness: A Men’s Devotional”